ROSEpetal Information:
Software, Storm Cases, and Documentation

ROSEpetal Cases

All of the following cases were obtained during the observation phase of the Radar Observations of Storms for Education (ROSE) project
using the NCAR SPOL (doi:10.5065/D6RV0KR8) and CSU CHILL radars.

Note: The zipped cases are quite large (some > 2GB). It is recommended you have a good internet connection for these downloads.


Current Version: ROSEv2.1
Developer: Spencer Rhodes, spencer.rhodes2@gmail.com
Platform: Java
Compatible Operating Systems: Mac OS X (10.5 or later), Windows 7 or later, has NOT been tested on Linux.
Runtime Requirements:
Usage Instructions:
    1. Once you have established that all of the Runtime Requirements have been fulfilled, you are almost ready to use ROSEpetal. First, however, you will need some storm cases to load into ROSEpetal.
    2. If you do not already have a storm case delivered from us, download one of the cases below under "Radar Images".
    3. Start ROSEpetal, either by running the HiResStarter jar file, the Starter jar file, or just the ROSE jar file. Remember that it is recommended you use one of the starter jar files to run the ROSEpetal app.
    4. You will first be shown how much RAM has been allocated to ROSEpetal. Hit enter or click Okay to proceed.
    5. After you dismiss the RAM usage window, a file chooser window should come up next. This is when you need to navigate to the folder where you put your case folder(s). Choose the folder where the case folder(s) reside, NOT the actual case folder.
    6. ROSEpetal will then ask you to select a case inside the "Cases Folder" you just specified. Choose one.
    7. Finally, you will be shown all of the radar products available for that case. Select all that you wish to load into the panels of the app. You can choose up to 2 PPI products and up to 3 RHI products.
    8. After you click "Load" to read in the radar images of the products you selected, you will see progress bars popup showing the status of loading the images. You will not be able to do much while these are loading, but you can always cancel this process with the "Cancel Loading" button that appears in the menu bar.
    9. Once one of the panels is loaded, you can begin to use the time slider at the bottom of the app.
The Interface: Here is a screenshot of the ROSEpetal app running on Windows with all of the panels loaded:

The following is a brief description of the controls that you can see in this screenshot:

ROSEpetal Key Features

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1303025.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s)
and do not necessarily reflect the view of the National Science Foundation (NSF).