
2024: Luke Allen’s Ph.D. seminar, 13 June 2024
Observed mesoscale surface air pressure waves and in-cloud characteristics in the context of winter storm structures NCSU Center for Geospatial Analytics

2024: Laura Tomkin’s Ph.D. seminar, 1 March 2024
Synthesis of radar-observed characteristics, storm structures, and surface snowfall rates in 10+ years of Northeast US winter storms. NCSU Center for Geospatial Analytics

2023: Sandra Yuter’s seminar on
New Insights on Snowfall from Observations of Winter Storms for University of Maryland’s Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center Seminar Series, December 2023.

2022: Sandra Yuter’s talk on Weather Observations to Inform Climate Adaptation at the NCSU Climate Leaders Forum, October 2022.

2015: Emma Scott’s discussion of her 3rd place winning poster at AGU Virtual Poster Showcase November 2015
Click to watch movie

2011: What’s your weather research, Casey Burleyson? (part1)

2011: What’s your weather research, Casey Burleyson? (part2)